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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 12 - Easy Street

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

“When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the Lord, and all Israel with him.” 2 Chronicles 12:1

Easy street. When everything in life is going great and you’re just cruising along. You’ve got a great job, your love life is sweet, your home is spacious and appointed nicely, and you have plenty of toys to keep you occupied and smiling. Life is good, what else do you need? This story was no different for Rehoboam, the new king of Israel and the son of Solomon. He had inherited a pretty nice gig. Solomon had assembled unparalleled wealth, influence, power, and infrastructure and now it was all his. As Rehoboam settled into the thick comfy throne of gold covered ivory, he looked around he must have said to himself, ah, easy street at last. I am king, I am rich, I am powerful, I have untold influence, I have a harem, I have cash, I have thousands of horses and chariots and an army to ride upon them and fight for me. He must have said to himself…I am the man. But one thing that escaped Rehoboam as he was settling in on easy street was the very thing that established the throne his grandfather David had built it upon…a heart that beat after God’s. And David allowed that heart to follow all the statutes and laws that pleased God. But as Rehoboam found himself cruising easy street, he saw no need for God. I mean if you have everything you could ever desire, what do you need God for. In our world today easy street is a lethal threat. We in the U.S. enjoy an easier entrance ramp onto easy street than just about any other nation. It is relatively easy to get a job, make money and find your way to some sort of financial freedom so you can live the American dream. And the American dream is always for sale. As we pursue our comfort and convenience, we can easily find ourselves depending and relying upon our own provision and power instead of God’s. As we look around at our great success we can easily drift from dependence on God and His commands. And as we are cruising along on this path, just like Rehoboam, we are in danger of recruiting those around us to tread the same path. Not an influence to follow God but an influence to follow self. Today, be careful of resting in your own strength and reveling in your own power. For just as Rehoboam learned, easy street doesn’t stretch far beyond the horizon. Acknowledge God and rest in His provision no matter your circumstance. Whether rich or poor, worship almighty God. Whether fed or hungry praise almighty God. Whether you have enough or have little, follow God with your entire heart. For easy street will be temporary, but the goodness of God will stand for all time.

“…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-13

Richmond, Virginia

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