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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 13 - A Cry Unheard

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

“…the men of Judah prevailed, because they relied on the Lord, the God of their fathers.” 2 Chronicles 13:18

A kingdom divided. One God rules, but hearts strayed. Judah sits in the south and Israel to the north. Two kings staunchly opposed, two armies rallied and ready to advance. Civil war. One follows Almighty God and the other has succumbed to idol worship and led his people along with him. And when the armies clash, the results are catastrophic for one. Before the battle ensues the king of the south, good king Abijah, stands upon a hillside and cries out to his brothers that have come to wage war. He proposes reason, he pleads with them. This fight does not need to take place. If all men are once again united under the one true God, harmony will infiltrate the ranks and peace will find its way into the bitter, angry hearts that stand before him. Abijah pleads with the opposing army to consider what it means to not oppose his army, but to oppose the power of the God they follow. But the opposing army of the north will not listen. The cry goes unheard. Wise words find no home. Judah and its men are greatly outnumbered and outmaneuvered by the enemy. They cry out to Almighty God. The very God they warned would deliver them from any enemy that attempts to destroy them. And God enters the battle. 500,000 men of the north fall in one single battle, a battle they never had a chance to win. God today is sending out a cry. He is sending out a plea to the world and the hearts that inhabit it. The cost of your sin is high. Sin will cost you peace and freedom in this life, but it will also cost you eternal peace. God is crying out to you today. He is crying out from the mountaintops. He has made a way to defeat the enemy that threatens you today. He has made a way by sending His only Son Jesus Christ to defeat the death penalty of your sin once and for all. Don’t let God’s cry go unheard. Call upon the saving grace of Jesus Christ and be saved from your sin. Hear God’s call and respond to His offer for eternal life with Him in heaven. The call from God is upon the winds of the world, it rests in the dawn of each new day. Hear and answer the call to salvation.

“Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called…” 1 Timothy 6:12

Richmond, Virginia

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