Good morning and good Wednesday, good ol’ hump day. Today we have the pleasure of starting a new book in the Word of God, the book of 2 Peter. This is Peter’s swan song, the last book he would write before his crucifixion. A man or woman’s last words are always heavy, weighed down by the trials, tribulations, joys and triumphs of life. All coalesced at an end point. Peter had seen what only a few have and ever will see, walking with Christ. He has seen the miracles of Jesus, he had seen His death, he had seen and talked with Christ after He was resurrected from death. Peter had seen some stuff. And here that life culminates in his last words, his last 3 chapters.
The letter of 2 Peter was written about 66 AD, shortly after his first letter. When Peter wrote this letter, he knew it would be his last and that he would soon be dead, the Lord had told him so. “I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, 14 because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.” 2 Peter 1:13-14. Many times, death in our world can strike quickly. Last words can be rushed, hurried. But here the Lord has given Peter fore-knowledge. I can only imagine if we could know that we were to die soon, how it would change our thinking, not towards ourselves but to others. Do we have a message? Did our life teach us something we could share with others to help them in their journey? Something we could offer to aid them in avoiding the many pitfalls this life has carefully concealed from sight? Peter with this knowledge shares just that, a few things that we absolutely must know to navigate this world.
Peter uses the word ‘remind’ in its various tenses 3 times here in chapter one. In his last words, Peter is sharing his knowledge. He is desperate to pass along critical information that will help us along in our growth with God.
“Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. 13 I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder,14 since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. 15 And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.” 1 Peter 12-15
So what does Peter want to remind us? How to live a triumphant, joy filled life in Christ through constantly growing and maturing in Him. Growth in God. You see, if you have called on the name of Jesus Christ to save you from your sins, you have been saved from your sins. (Rom 10:13) You have been born again, you are a new creature in Him. (2 Cor 5:17) But just as Jesus explained to Nicodemus this is not being born of your mother a second time, it a new spiritual birth. It is being born again in Christ. So if you are a Christian you have experienced a new beginning. Just as in our physical lives, newborns need much help. They can’t feed themselves, provide for themselves or protect themselves. They need much care and love from their family. The same is true in our spiritual development, we start out babes in Christ and we are to mature in Him. We are to move from infancy to teen to adult, that is God’s plan for us. Growth in God is imperative if we are to claim the abundant life that Christ came to provide for us.
So how do we achieve this growth? I’m glad you asked because this is the topic out of many that Peter chose for his last words. The topic he chose to remind us of as he would soon start his journey towards heaven. Let’s explore this powerful passage from Peter on how we can shed the infancy of crawling with Christ and move into the maturity of walking with him.
“For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, 6 and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness,7 and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. 8 For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:5-8
This is a foundational statement here from Peter. Meaning that he starts with a foundation and then builds upon it. What are we building? Christian character. We are building up and growing our character in God. For any physical building you have to start with a proper foundation. Notice the foundation he starts with. Faith. It all starts with our faith in Jesus Christ. Without faith in Christ we have nothing and we are nothing.
So with faith as our solid foundation let’s start building. What’s the first layer we are to add? Supplement your faith with virtue. Virtue in this context is meant "to have courage, valor and strength.” We should have courage in our faith in Jesus Christ. We should be bold in our faith of Jesus Christ and the Gospel He brought. Many think that Christians are supposed to be totally passive, never standing up for anything. My friends that is a lie and not what God’s Word tells us right here. We are to be courageous in our faith, strongly and boldly sharing it with the world.
As we grow up in the Lord we now have faith with courage. Next, we add to our courage, knowledge. Knowledge in what? God’s Word. Without a knowledge of God’s Word as you walk in this sin-filled world you are doomed to suffer many setbacks. Knowledge in God’s Word leads to wisdom and wisdom as you walk this world will help you avoid many pitfalls indeed. The knowledge of God’s Word is imperative, and Peter tells us to stack it right on top of our faith and our courage.
Our building is now getting taller and on top of our knowledge of God’s Word is stacked self-control. What an imperative characteristic for any follower of Christ. Being able to bridle ourselves just as a powerful steed would be bridled. If we can effectively control ourselves for Christ, we can be of much use to Him and bear much fruit for Him. But if we are out of control, we can do just the opposite and do much harm to the cause of Christ.
As our growth in God continues, we will next add to our self-control. We will add steadfastness. Steadfastness is patience. This is not being patient as you sit in traffic or wait in line at Wal-Mart, this is the patience to endure the trials of life. To endure loss. To endure Cancer. To endure heart break. To endure betrayal. As patience stacks on top of the other characteristics we have just mentioned, you now have them to call upon as well. This is a stack of tools and now instead of one tool you have 4. You will need your faith in Jesus greatly as you endure tough trials with patience. You will definitely need the knowledge of God’s Word to guide you through these trials. This knowledge will produce the wisdom to see the trial through the eyes of Jesus. You will also need courage and you will need self-control. Our growth in God is providing us with amazing tools to deal with this world.
Our next level will carefully build upon patience and that is Godliness. Godliness is us striving to be like God. Don’t misinterpret, it’s not to BE God but to do our best to emulate the example we have in Christ. Remember those bracelets that were so popular years ago…WWJD, What would Jesus do? That’s the point, for us to follow the Godly example we have been given. To act like God, to be Godly. Now be careful to notice the genius placement of each of the characteristics by God. Our structure is being built very carefully with a perfect order. You cannot be Godly without faith in Jesus. When you accept Christ you are annointed with the Holy Spirit and He will guide you in the ways of God. But without the knowledge of the Word of God you can quickly get lost in this world. Our growth in God is laid out in perfect order.
Our next level of growth that will be built upon Godliness is brotherly affection. This could also read “love of the brethren” which is love for other believers in Christ. This is a love for all those who have also called upon the name of Jesus to save them. As you accept Christ you are adopted into the family of God and you now have new brothers and sisters. Within this family God allows a special type of connection and love. I always say that it’s amazing how God allows me to love the brethren on such a deeper level.
Upon brotherly love we will need the cherry on the top…love. This is the same as love your neigbor as yourself. It's a call to love all people on the planet whether they are believers or not. Regardless of their belief, their race, their color, their income, their looks or their attitude, we are to love them. Period, end of discussion.
What an unbelievable reminder we have from God today. He has clearly and concisely shown us how we are to grow and mature in Him daily. This is a process that will take a lifetime. One that requires daily attention and effort. It’s a daily walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
It all starts with Faith. Faith that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life among sinful people. That He innocently died and shed His precious blood on a Cross to cover the penalty of our sin before a righteous and Holy God. That He rose triumphantly 3 days later to conquer the death of sin once and for all. It all starts with faith in Jesus.
Upon faith have courage. Be strong in the Lord. Upon courage gain knowledge of God’s Word. Commit to a daily study of God’s Word. In doing so He will bless you with the wisdom to navigate this tricky sinful world. Upon your knowledge add self-control. As a courageous, faith-filled Christian, the world is watching you and how you react to everything. To your self-control add patience. As a follower of Jesus you will encounter persecution, but through your foundational elements here, you will find patience. Upon your patience gain love for your fellow believers. Blessed fellowship will pick you up in tough times. To your love of believers add a deep love for all of God’s people. A love that will drive you to bring the gospel to the corners of the Earth.
My friends, what an amazing passage we have just studied. A man’s last words to us. A man that God used to instruct us on what we need today to live an abundant life in Christ.
Heavenly Father thank you for Jesus. Thank you for sending your only Son here to die for us so that we can have a home in Heaven with you. Thank you for your Holy Word. You did not leave us here with no direction or guidance. You created your Holy Word and it is a lamp to our feet, guiding our lives. I thank you for this powerful passage today and I ask that you bless us with the ability to live it out and bring you glory for the sake of your Kingdom. Amen.
God bless you all.
