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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Ephesians 5

Good day and happy Tuesday. I trust that your week is going well and the Christmas season is starting well for you. This time of the year is sweet, the decorations, the music, the crispness in the mornings, all lend to the goodness of Christmas. Around Christmas things are just different. People are a little better to each other, smiles are more frequent, generosity increases and even charitable giving is at a high around Christmas time. Christ is the reason for the season and even people that may not believe in Christ are affected. It takes a powerful God to affect the world the way He does at Christmas.

Yesterday we looked at Ephesians chapter 4 and what it means to better fulfill the Christian walk. Paul listed out many do’s and don’ts and we looked at them individually. Today is chapter 5 and it starts out with one word, “Therefore.” Therefore connects this section with the preceding, so Paul is continuing on with the walk of the believer. If Paul continues, we will as well.

Yesterday we touched on the fact that Paul specifically used the term “walk.” There were no cars, trains, planes or subways in his day, so if you wanted to get somewhere you walked. Walking is a very slow, experiential way to travel. If I were to drive the circuit I walk every day, I would miss so much. When we drive we cruise right by so much detail and experience. But when I walk it is much different. When I walk I can see the leaves on the trees, the squirrels in the branches, feel the breeze on my face. I can smell the aromas, enjoy the colors and yes, even wave to people. The experience of walking brings us into contact with people and more importantly people into contact with us. When you are walking you are visible to the world. It is this context that Paul is embracing. Your Christian walk if visible to all, make it count, walk in the light so that you can be the attraction of Christ not the detraction.

Now you can look at the list we had yesterday from chapter 4 and maybe see it as a strict set of rules. Maybe you see it as a harsh on your freedom and your fun. You might even say, Christianity is just a big set of rules that tell me what I can and can’t do. Yes and no. We all have freedom to do as we choose but not all choices are good for us. You see, God does in fact give us the absolute freedom to make choices that can cause us great harm and pain. But as our loving, Heavenly Father, that’s not what He wants for us. Our Earthly parents do everything in their power to help their children avoid decisions that they know will be bad for them, God is no different. He is telling us what will be good for us and what will cause us hardships. All we have to do is listen…or not.

I’ll do the same as yesterday and list out each characteristic of the Christian walk and then define it and maybe toss in a thought or two. Note: all of these are from Ephesians 5.


Be imitator’s of God – Simply enough said. This is a lofty, impossible statement but it does not say BE God, it says imitate God. DO what Jesus did. Mimic the behavior of Jesus.

Walk in Love as Christ Loved us – let every step you take be bathed in love towards others. This love should be the type of love Christ offered the world, truly unconditional.

Let there be Thanksgiving – be thankful to God at all times for everything.

Walk as children of light – “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5. Walk in the light of God and let your light shine before others.

Make the best use of the time – Use all moments in your life as possible moments to share the Gospel.

Submit to one another – Love your neighbor as yourself. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. You are not always going to get what you want or even what you think is fair. It’s not about you.


Sexual immorality – The absence of sexual morality, ie, Sex outside of marriage, adultery.

Impurity - immorality, especially of a sexual nature. Think of spiritual and mental impurity here also. Our thoughts can be impure and greatly affect our walk.

Covetousness – to covet; gaining everything for your own selfish purpose. You can covet people, stuff, titles, money, positions, etc.

Filthiness - obscene and offensive speech, the utmost in depravity.

Foolish talk – to gloat or brag about sinning. Ex: to boast about how drunk you got this weekend or about recent sexual conquests.

Crude joking – to make light of or joke about immorality; to tell dirty stories.

Don’t be deceived by empty words – be led astray by words devoid of the truth of the Gospel.

More great stuff today on how we can achieve a Christian walk that will truly be a light to a world that is full of darkness. The rest of chapter 5 and the beginning of chapter 6 moves into relationships and the leadership structure of each. There are 4 different areas in which there is headship for the sake of order: servants are to be subject to masters, children are to be subject to parents, husbands are to be subject to Christ and wives are to be subject to their husbands.

Yes, I know, this chapter contains the verse that has that dreaded “S” word in it for wives…submit. I’m not avoiding it, I wrote on this back in 1 Corinthians 11 when Paul spoke on ‘submission.’ You can find it under the 1 Corinthians tab on or use the link below. I strongly encourage you to take a few minutes and read it to better understand not just the verse but the entire passage. You’ll see the pressure is not on the wife, but very clearly on the husband!

I hope that your personal 5 minutes in God’s Word today reveals a portion of His wisdom, knowledge and power to you so that you can be equipped for this day.

Praise God for His Holy Spirit and His Word. We are not walking this walk alone, but well equipped!

Grand Cayman Island

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