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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Exodus 35 - Cake Batter

To stir: 1. to disturb the relative position of particles or parts, especially by a continued circular movement; 2. to cause an especially slight movement or change of position of; 3. to disturb the quiet of; 4. to rouse to activity or evoke strong feelings. To stir.

“And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him, and everyone whose spirit moved him.” Exodus 35:21a

I’ve stirred paint, I’ve stirred cake batter, I’ve stirred sweat tea. I’ve stirred up trouble, I’ve stirred up muddy waters, I’ve stirred up bees and ants. I’ve stirred in spices, stirred in sugar and stirred in love. I’ve seen leaves stir, I’ve seen people stir and I’ve seen controversy stir. But by far the most amazing thing I have ever seen is God stirring the hearts of His children.

This morning in Exodus 35 we see that it is time to build the tabernacle that God has given Moses careful instructions for. God has given dimensions, materials, details and even the specific people to be used in its construction. Everything is lined out and it’s time to get that fancy chrome shovel out and break ground. I guess you could say that as man sees it, there’s only one problem. There’s nothing to build it with. But of course, this is no problem for God. You see, He has already provided every single ounce of gold, silver bronze, gemstones, fine linen and wood to complete the entire building project. So where is it? He gave it to His people. They have it.

Recall that back when the people fled Egypt, God caused the Egyptian people to give great treasure to the Israelites. Consider it backpay for 430 years of harsh and brutal slavery. It’s kinda funny, at the moment the Israelites probably thought that they’d won the lottery. I mean can you believe that these Egyptians are just giving us all their treasures? But you see, God merely entrusted these items to His people for brief period. As couriers, to transport it to where He needed it. I guess you could say that they are in essence just “holding it” for Him. So how will God get it back? Simple, He’ll ask.

Friends, we are no different than the Israelites today. God gives us great riches to hold for Him until He asks for them back. He has a purpose for everything that He gives us, that’s why He gave it to us in the first place. The key to today’s lesson is this; how do we discern God’s voice when he asks us to give back to Him that which He has first given us?

We see that as it’s time for the tabernacle to be constructed, God made His request of the people. And look how beautifully simple and eloquent it is:

“Take from among you a contribution to the Lord. Whoever is of a generous heart, let him bring the Lord’s contribution” Exodus 35:2a

And the people’s response?

“Then all the congregation of the people of Israel departed from the presence of Moses. And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him, and everyone whose spirit moved him, and brought the Lord's contribution to be used for the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments. So they came, both men and women. All who were of a willing heart…All the men and women, the people of Israel, whose heart moved them to bring anything for the work that the Lord had commanded by Moses to be done brought it as a freewill offering to the Lord.” Exodus 35:20-22a, 29

God stirred the hearts of the people and they responded…in an amazing way. So, I have a question for you. What type of heart must you have that it can be stirred by Almighty God? Better yet, what condition must your heart be in that it can be stirred by God?

I remember as a kid that mom was always stirring up something in the kitchen. She’s a talented baker and for a while was even professionally making beautiful wedding and event cakes. Or as I would say, “fancy cakes.” Many times, if I were around, she would “volun-tell” me to come and help. I usually ended up on the end of a spoon stirring, hoping for the pay dirt of licking that very spoon. If I were really lucky, she’d let me work the electric blender, which by the way, will mesmerize you as you watch the curious and intricate pattern it creates as the batter melds between the two beaters. You know me, simple minds simple pleasures.

As I grew older sometimes I would attempt to impress somebody and make a cake out of a box. You know the ones, on the top of the back of the box they have little pictures of what you’ll need, and they carefully tell you what to add and when. Well, that only works if you pay attention. One time I was too quick and mis-measured; too little water and oil and then proceeded to stir. I quickly realized something was very wrong. The batter became so thick that I couldn't move the spoon through it. It was a thick, hard, sludgy mess. It couldn’t be stirred…at all. As I sat and looked in that bowl, I longed for the smooth, creamy, easy to mix batter that mom made.

Folks, if God is to stir your heart, what does your batter look like? Do you believe in God? Do you believe that Jesus Christ can touch and change lives today? Do you believe that He is your God? If you don’t know God, your batter will be impossible for Him to stir. If you do know Him, do you spend any time with Him? Any relationship where the individuals spend no time together or talk, is doomed to die. God is no different. How can God stir your heart if you don’t know Him or His voice? Maybe you go to church once a month and feel like that’s good enough to know God. Friends, God is not impressed by the mega church you go to or whether or not you can make it to one of the weekly services that best fits into your busy schedule. God wants your time. He wants your attention. He wants face time, just you and Him. Just like any other relationship He wants to spend time with you and grow the relationship.

Do you spend time in His Word? Do you ever go to Him in prayer? I’ve heard it said that God speaks to us through His Word and we speak to Him through prayer. Effective communication involves two channels, sending and receiving. Are you having effective communication with God? If you’re not, your batter will be thick and as a result, extremely hard for God to stir.

Folks, God speaks. He speaks to every single one of His children. It’s not a question of whether or not God is speaking, the question is whether or not you are listening. As God speaks to us, the very children He created, it will stir our hearts. Our job is to keep our batter, smooth, creamy and easy to stir. And to do that you have to include the right ingredients and avoid the wrong ingredients. Keep your heart full of the ingredients of God. Love, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, forgiveness, honesty, purity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Keep your heart away from things that will spoil the recipe: sin, evil, pride, anger, hatred, lying, arrogance, dissension, sexual immorality and faithlessness.

You control what goes into your batter. Choose carefully and create a heart that God can stir easily as He creates in you something that will be pleasing to the Head Baker…God.

Blessings for your day.

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