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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Galatians 2

Happy Thanksgiving Eve. If Christmas can have an “Eve” can Thanksgiving? I’ve always wondered about the “eve.” Christmas is the only one of the big holidays (Holy Days) to have an “eve.” I remember as a little kid that I was so excited about Christmas morning’s arrival, that I added ‘eves’. The 23rd was Christmas Eve Eve and the 22 was Christmas Eve Eve Eve. It just makes sense, right?

I hope you all have fun and exciting plans for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Marge & I are having both sets of our folks out and we are going to Cracker Barrel. No cooking, no washing dishes, no leftovers in the fridge for a month. Lazy Dan likes this. Afterwards we’re gonna gather around the table and play dominoes, specifically Mexican Train. Its gonna be a great, relaxing day of enjoying our parents that gave us life and gave us love. So much love.

So how about we look at Galatians chapter 2? Paul lays out heavy duty doctrine in this chapter. He deals with the Law vs. Grace, Jew vs. Gentile, clean vs. unclean and Faith vs. works. I could probably spend days writing on these unbelievably profound topics, but God pointed out something else to focus on today. Let’s look at the middle portion of Galatians 2:6

“God shows no partiality”

Paul is talking about preaching the one true Gospel no matter the audience. Jew or Gentile, preach the one true gospel. You see, in God’s eyes there is no partiality, only the Gospel of His only Son Jesus Christ and what we choose to do with it.

The phrasing makes me ponder. Four simple words spoken in simplicity. One short sentence that is absolute. It’s simplicity is its elegance.

As we read God’s Word, we use our own limited human intellect to try to apply comprehension and application. As I read this I think about partiality in my life and in our world. Is it possible for any person on this planet to be truly impartial? I don’t think so.

Partiality: “unfair bias in favor of one thing or person compared with another; favoritism.” If you disagreed at first with the question above, after reading this definition does it cause you to reconsider? I think maybe because of the sin nature that all of us have inherited, that this is a concept that eludes us. How can we truly treat everyone perfectly the same? How can we trust everyone the same? How can we love everyone the same?

Let me speak personally. There is no way that Dan is remotely capable of this concept. There are people in my life that will always receive preferential treatment, love and respect. My precious Margie, my folks, my brothers and sisters in Christ. The love I hold for these people move them into an echelon in my mind and heart that others cannot achieve, especially those I don't even know. How could I love a perfect stranger the way I love Margie? Dan’s heart, Dan’s mind, Dan’s emotional capabilities cannot process this.

Now let’s talk God. “God shows no partiality.” I want you to say that to yourself 4 times very slowly. As you do place emphasis on the different words. Think deep. Now think about this:

God loves every person on this planet the absolute same. God loves every person on this planet the exact same regardless of their sex, race, age, current sins, past sins and yes, even future sins. God doesn’t care who you are or what you are. God doesn’t care how smart you are or what degree you have. God doesn’t care where you live or where you work. God doesn’t care how much money you have or how much money you give away. God doesn’t care where you were born or what current religion you are in. God doesn’t care, He is perfectly impartial, there is only love. True, perfect, impartial love.

Do you know what God does care about? Your precious, precious soul. God loves you in a way that you cannot, no matter how many years you lived, possibly be able to comprehend. Let me tell you how much the God of Creation loves you and every other person on this planet.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:16-17)

Our sin causes us to become lost on our journey to God. We cannot find our own way to God. It is not possible. God showed Love we cannot comprehend. He sent His only Son. His perfect Son. He sent Him here, a king to live as a peasant. A perfect life, lived in a sinful, arrogant world. He sent Him here to die. To pay a price. A price for our sin. He sent him here to be raised after three days. Raised to conquer the penalty of sin once and for all. My friends there is love and then there is the Love of God for us.

And all the while God does this with no partiality. You can come to Jesus today. His love for you extends beyond all barriers. His love for you is boundless.

There are people in your life today that feel unloved, unwanted and unneeded, and my friends that is so untrue. They are in fact, loved with a depth that defies human love. They are loved with no partiality by the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Share this message of love with those people God has placed in your life today. The world needs the love of Jesus. The world needs true love with no partiality.

I pray that God presents you with the opportunity to share about His impartial love with someone that is walking in loneliness today. And as He presents this opportunity, I pray that the Holy Spirit will rise up within you and give you His words of love and life.

God bless you all.

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