Something happened the other day and I uttered to Marge, “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.” There’s just something about witnessing an event with our own eyes that gives us the proof we feel we need. I wouldn’t classify myself as a pessimist, more of a realist, but I do indeed like to witness things with my own eyes. There’s just something about our eyes processing the image as it’s happening that just affirms our mind that what we are seeing is indeed true. Except you can’t always believe what you see.
While serving out in Maui we were blessed with some free tickets to a really nice magic show. It sat right on Front street in Lahaina town directly across from the sparkling South Pacific Ocean. The place was called Warren and Anna Belles and the owner and illusionist was amazingly named, Warren. It was a dinner show experience which culminated in the participants filing into a very small, very intimate theater with maybe 65 seats. What was odd was how Warren operated. No stage, no big fancy props, no assistants to distract you, it was just him standing a few feet in front of his audience. But what we saw there confounded the mind. He only did slight of hand tricks, so no sawing a lady in half or anything like that, more like card tricks, making small things disappear, all using the crowd as part of the show. I recall the confusion I felt after the show. If the old adage seeing is believing is true, he had tied my mind in knots of bewilderment.
But you know just like with Warren, what we sometimes see might not make any sense to us, but it can still be real. We might not believe what we are seeing but that doesn't make it any less true or real. This is especially true with the ways of God. He is continually moving and working in our midst, but when we see it, do we believe it? We can always use a refresher on how we see and process the actions of God. How do you walk closely with Christ today and not miss all of the amazing things He will do? Because, let's face it, many times as your eyes see God work, well, it does seems too good to be true.
Think back to Exodus chapter 14 and God parting the Red Sea. Think about the Israelite people and do your best to put yourself in their shoes…or sandals. They had just been whisked out of Egypt as slaves to immediate freedom. Shock. Even though they had been slaves, it had been their home for 400 years. They had left all they knew as home in a few short hours. Shock. They had grabbed what they had and rushed off in the blackness of night, their kids in tow, crying in fear. Shock. They were led by Moses into the desert and they knew not of any plan for their future. Shock. And then to top all of this off, they end up with their backs to the Red Sea and they see plumes of dust on the horizon in front of them. The massive Egyptian army of Pharaoh. And pharaoh was not happy. They are sitting ducks. And in this moment, shock built upon shock, we see this in God’s Word:
“When Pharaoh drew near, the people of Israel lifted up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them, and they feared greatly. And the people of Israel cried out to the Lord.” Ex 14:10
In this moment I’m sure the doubt in their minds was as thick as molasses in December. The thought must have been running in their mind like a hamster on a will this end in anything but certain death for us? But God parts the sea and they walk across on dry ground to safety. Can you imagine the size of their eyes in that moment? They must have been as big as saucers as they were processing what they saw. Seeing is believing, but what about the moments when you cannot believe what you are seeing God do.
God does amazing, miraculous things each and every day in the world all around us. The only problem are the eyes that see His miracles. Believing eyes versus doubting eyes. You would think that if you had seen God do 25 amazing things in your life that number 26 would be super easy for you to process and credit God for, but not necessarily so. We need constant reminders of what we have seen God do. In Joshua chapter 23 this morning, this is just what Joshua tells the people as he is preparing to be called to Heaven. He tells the people; never forget the amazing things you’ve seen God do for you in this land. How you see what God has done, determines how you see what God will do.
“You yourselves have seen everything the Lord your God has done to all these nations for your sake; it was the Lord your God who fought for you.” Joshua 23:3
You see, the Israelite’s enemies within the Promised Land were great. Mighty walled fortresses, giant warriors, hugely populated cities, fierce armies, steel chariots. The Israelites could not conquer the land in their own power, and they knew it. During this period, they had no choice but to rely on God and allow Him to do the fighting for them. But now the fighting is done, peace surrounds them, and all is calm. And it is in the calm that our eyes can quickly forget what they have seen God do.
As I was studying Joshua 23 this morning, I came across a passage in my study commentary and I’d like to share its wisdom, truth and honesty on the subject.
“The grave danger of crossing the Jordan River, facing an enemy in a strange land, encountering the unknown on every hand, and meeting fear on every side, had kept Israel close to the Lord. Joshua recognized that now, since they had entered into rest and were enjoying prosperity and plenty, they would drift away from God. That is the story of human nature. It never changes. The most dangerous period any people can go through is not the time of grave danger and suffering, but the time of peace and plenty.” McGee, #2, pg. 40.
How do you see the hands of God performing in your life today? When something amazing happens in your life do you ascribe it to chance, luck or fate, or do you see it as God doing what He has always done, bless those who love Him and follow His statutes in obedience? You see, God has done amazing things in your life, don’t forget them in times of peace and plenty. The moment you forget the good God has done in your life, it will greatly hinder your ability to see the good He will do today. Remember and recall the good He has done, and He will open your eyes to see the good He is doing today.
God is doing miracles today, open your eyes, see and believe, and behold the goodness of God.