The last time I played a rousing game of Monopoly I had forgotten how entertaining, exciting and fun it was. Part of the fun is who you play it with, and I was playing it with a few of my young nephews. Oh, the financial lessons that were learned that day. But besides the roll of the dice, one of the most exciting parts of the game is Community Chest and Chance. Sometimes you get what you want and sometimes you don’t. One of my favorite cards to draw is the Community Chest card that simply says, “You inherit $100.” Early in the game a hundred bucks could possibly move the needle, but of course later in the game as hotels appear, not so much. But no matter, it’s always special to get $100 for doing absolutely nothing. The inheritance is quite the odd deal indeed, let’s take a look.
Here’s a lawyered up definition of inheritance for you, “Inheritance, also called succession, is the devolution of property on an heir or heirs upon the death of the owner.” Huh, ok, what he said. When I think about an inheritance one thing comes to mind. Somebody gets something not because of anything they did but only because of who they are. Think about this, Sam Walton built the single biggest money revenue generating enterprise in the history of the world. Wal-Mart currently has over 5,000 stores that employ over 2.2 million people and those stores generate a whopping $514.4 billion of gross revenue annually. Not too bad for a guy that started one store in Rogers, Arkansas in 1962. But besides Mr. Walton’s retail empire, what he really built was the wealthiest family in America. Between his wife and three kids, Walton’s heirs are worth a combined $175 billion. Yep, that was a “b” that started off that last word. And what did his kids do to get those truck fulls of cash? They were simply born as a son or daughter to Sam.
This morning we look at the very last chapter of Numbers, Numbers 36. This is the fourth book of the Bible with only one more book left from Moses. Moses wrote the first 5 books in God’s Word and they are collectively called the Pentateuch, which means, rather unsurprisingly, “five books.” Exodus, Genesis, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. If you’re a daily follower of the 5MC, give yourself a big pat on the back, you’ve now covered the first 153 chapters of God’s Word. Well done, buy yourself an ice cream today. Preferably Rocky Road.
Numbers chapter 36 has a theme and as you read it it’s easy to uncover. Inheritance. In fact, the word inheritance is used 17 times in a rather short chapter. Specifically, God is addressing the rights that females have with their inheritance as females in this age had different rights that males. But God is fair and just, and we see Him right this gender imbalance here and in more instances in the book of Numbers. We see God resolve the issue by stressing that the people should be marrying within the Israelite nation and even further within the same tribes of Israel. Equally yoked marriages. Something that is so very important, even today, but alas, a topic for another day.
So, think about your personal inheritance for a moment. You were born into a family and as a result when your parents pass away, you will get something. It more than likely will not be the sum that Rob, Jim or Alice Walton received, but more than likely you will get something. It may not even be cash. Maybe a house, some furniture or a lot of stuff. Now what exactly did you do to get this stuff for free again? Nothing right, you were just born into the family. Now think about that, did you ask to be born? Of course not, your parents decided to have some kids and you were the result. So, you didn’t ask to be born, you didn’t ask for parents, and you especially didn’t ask for free stuff, yet here is your inheritance, it’s yours. You see, an inheritance is not who you are, it’s who you belong to.
Now folks, let me take this exactly where you know I’m going to take it. And that’s to being a child of God. As you are brought into this world, you bring a sin nature with you. It’s a fact, it’s guaranteed, and you just can’t deny it. We are all born knowing bad. In fact, just yesterday Marge was telling me some stories about this little 4 year old terror that came into her store with his mom and proceeded to deconstruct her store. The mom was on her last nerve so Margie picked up the slack so the mom could shop. Let’s just say that the antics between Margie and this 4 year old kid should be made into a movie. I’m sure we could get either Spielberg or Scorsese to direct.
Now who do you think could have taught this 4 year old to be this bad in his very short life span? It’s clear that no one could teach him good in this time span, so where did all the bad come from? Sin nature, he was born with it. You see Adam and Eve were created without sin. God created them to be perfect, in His very own image. And because they had no sin they could walk directly in His presence each and every day. What a thing of beauty that was. But as they rebelled against God and broke the single rule He gave them, the curse of sin was created. A curse that will forever be passed on in every single strand of human DNA. I recently heard a kid ask another kid if he had ever cheated. The kid was honest and sad yes and the other kid said, “then you’re now a cheater for life.” True, once you’ve done something, you can be branded that. We are sinners because we have sinned at least once (or a million times) in our lives.
As you honestly admit that you’re a sinner, you have to realize that God cannot be in the presence of sin. Recall that God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden as a result of their sin against Him. You are a sinner and God cannot be around sinners. You need help. So, God sent His only Son Jesus to make a way. You need only believe upon Jesus and the work that He did upon the cross. Believe that He was born of a virgin, had no sin nature and lived a perfect sin free life. He died and rose again three days later and eternally defeated the penalty of sin that we deserved. He took the penalty for sin that you and I deserved. And as we accept Jesus as our Savior, folks, the single biggest miracle in the history of the universe happens.
We become children of Almighty God.
And as you become a child of God, you receive all of the rights of a child. You are now entitled to an inheritance. You see, it’s not who you are it’s who you belong to.
“In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of His will so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. In Him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.” Eph 1:11
I know that my earthly Dad would today, give me all he has. I know that in the endless love my Earthly dad has for me, He would give me every penny and not give it a second thought. Folks, God is no different. When you are born again through the blood of Jesus Christ, you become a son or daughter of God, you are now born into the family of God. As a result, you will inherit His goodness, His worth and His value. You will inherit His purpose, His call and His vision. And folks when you become a son or daughter of God you will inherit His Kingdom. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, you will be allowed to walk in Heaven and eternally reside in the very presence of God the Father. Folks, you cannot put a value on an inheritance like that.
If you can’t say for sure that you have this inheritance, you can today. Call upon Jesus to forgive you of your sins so that you too can be called a child of God. As a result, one day as you take your last breath on this planet, it will be your first breath in Heaven in the presence of Jesus. What a day that will be.
Remember, an inheritance is not who you are but who you belong to. Call upon Jesus today and belong to Him.
Blessings to you.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” 1 Peter 1:3-5
