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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Proverbs 2 ~ Finding True Treasure

Updated: Dec 23, 2022

The year was 1850 and Samuel found himself camped upon a desolate rocky riverbed in central California. His journey had been beyond hard. A clipper from New England to the isthmus of Panama, a mule across the rugged mosquito-infested jungle terrain, only to be followed by yet another passage by ship north into San Francisco. He could feel the damaging effects of the journey in his bones, but there was no time to heed his body, it was time to find his fortune. For the last 6 weeks he had risen at dawn, had a meager breakfast of Bannock bread cooked in his small Dutch oven, and then gathered his simple tools. A pick, a tom (sluice) and his most valued possession, a durable canvas bag for his soon to be found treasure which he kept around his neck with a leather cord. As he slung the still empty pouch around his neck, he envisioned himself, that very day, filling it to overflowing with chunks of glittering wealth. His average day was 12 hours, sunup to sun down, seven days a week. He dare not even take a small rest from his back-breaking work, for men just like him surrounded him on every side, men seekimg their own treasures. With every strenuous strike of his pick his lust grew for his prize. He had sold his family’s farm, sold all he had and used every cent of it to get to this point in his journey. He could not fail, he must find his fortune. In this moment, only one thing haunted his dreams, his vision, and his passion…the desperate search for what he sought.

It's estimated that 300,000 men shared a similar story as Samuel’s as they searched the hills of central California during the Gold rush of 1848-1855. Lives searching for untold riches that their hearts drove them to seek at all costs. But a similar question lurks in the recesses of the human heart even today, even the one that is beating within your very chest right now. What treasure are you desperately seeking today and what lengths are you going to to locate that treasure?

Chapter 2 of Proverbs likens to Samuel’s golden search, but instead substitutes earthly gold for a truly priceless treasure, wisdom. Wisdom, the ability to see life’s myriad situations through the eyes of God. Wisdom, the ability to see down a path before your feet fall upon it, discerning whether that path ends in joy or misery. Wisdom, not the mental collection of facts and data, which is intelligence, but the use of a different language, the language of placing the profound principles of God into practice in your daily life. And just where can you learn to speak this profound language of Godly wisdom? Well, just as searching and seeking for precious metals lying deep within the hills of California, you must, with great effort and diligence, mine for it.

“if you look for it as silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the wisdom of God, for the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” (Proverbs 2:4-6)

Today I pray that you are in a deep, desirous, daily journey mining the Word of God for the nuggets of truth, wisdom and joy that lie within. I pray that it consumes your dreams, your vision, and that within your daily journey the knapsack that hangs around your neck is being filled to overflowing with the glittering goodness of the Word of God. For if you are truly looking for treasure within this world, you need not journey to any distant land, but merely reach for the nearest Bible, be still, open your heart, and let the riches of God’s Holy Words fill your life with His eternal treasure.

“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! ~ Romans 11:33

The west coast of Mexico, Sayulita, Nayurit

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