“Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; who does not slander with his tongue and does no evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend” Psalm 15:1a, 2-3
I have a suggestion for you. Fly to Mexico and buy me some tacos. You probably won’t do it, but hey it was just a suggestion right? A suggestion being something that is simply an idea. An idea to ponder, think about, and mull over. A suggestion is something to consider, seeing if it will fit in with your current schedule, plans, and lifestyle. And when you derive that you don’t want to take the time off work and spend the cash to fly to Mexico and buy me tacos, you simply decline, no harm no foul. After all, it was simply a suggestion. But what about when it comes to what you read in the Bible? Are the pages of scripture suggestions as well? Is what’s written in God’s Word merely a point to be considered and pondered or is it rather a command to drop everything and do what it says?
David here in Psalm 15 is pontificating about the glory of the Lord as he once again lays eyes on the ark of God. Recall that it was stolen in battle by the Philistines as Israelite leaders attempted to use it as a lucky charm. (1 Sam 4-7, Chronicles 13-15) As the ark is finally returned to Jerusalem, David is greatly moved. As he gazes upon the weathered, battered ark that houses the very presence of God unto His people, he ruminates on just who is worthy to approach it and the very presence of God. He reflected on just who was good enough to approach the perfection of God. And as he does, he pronounces 6 great truths that please the Lord. Six truths that move well beyond mere suggestion.
Walk blamelessly and do what is right. Not a suggestion but a commandment from Almighty God. Speak truth in your heart. That is the truth of God’s Word, read it, study it, know it, and then speak it to all that you encounter. It’s not a suggestion, but an order from God. Do not slander with your tongue. More damage is done in our world every day by poisonous tongues than any weapon, rifle, bomb, or missile. God does not suggest you control your speech to others today, He commands it. Do no evil to your neighbor. It doesn’t matter what was said or done or how wrong you thought they were, it will not negate what God commands of those that follow Him and His Son Jesus. There are no freebies, exemptions, or exclusions here, be good to all those around you and do not repay evil for evil. Do not take up reproach (argue) with your friends. The word friends used here echoes neighbor. And folks, neighbor means every single person you encounter. And yes, that includes Facebook, Twitter, and all other sites that allow people to belittle, argue with, demean, and slander others from a safe distance. God says, don’t do it. Today, I pray that you see God’s Word for exactly what it is…the very Words of God commanding us on how to live a life that will be full of joy, peace, harmony and ultimately bear great fruit for the kingdom of God. And in His Word God gives us a very clear set of commands that will provide this life. And they are not optional suggestions to be shopped as if at a Golden Coral buffet, taking what you like and skipping all the green stuff. They are commands that are not meant to harsh or limit a life, but to allow it an abundance that can only come through living the way God commands.
“And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the Word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the Word of God, which is at work in you believers.” 1 Thessalonians 2:13
“But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22
