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The Good Captain ~ Psalm 32

Writer's picture: Dan PotterDan Potter

“The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8 NLT

The ship listed lightly to port gently arousing me from my dreams.  The soft swaying felt as if the entire hand of the sea was intent on rocking me into another world of consciousness.  I glanced through the stateroom’s windows at the sea beyond and was rewarded with a full moon carving a silver path to the far edge of my world.  Pleased with this exchange, I recommitted to my pillow and was happy to drift back into a fitful sleep.  But before restful hibernation reclaimed me, I asked myself why I was so content in my current safety as to fully embrace this peaceful sleep.  Well, I answered myself in my semi-dream state, this mighty ship has a good captain.  He is familiar with his ship and his trade, cares for his passengers, and only wants good and safety for them.  And simply in that, I believe deep down he will do just as he says he will, he will sail this vessel ever onward to its intended destination.

This scene took place on the first night of our recent celebratory cruise.  And just what were we celebrating, you ask?  Well, God of course.  God saw us though our first 4-year term on the mission field, blessed us with the ability to tell of Him in a new language, saw us through the completion of a Masters degree, and saw them all drawn together in the 30th year of our holy matrimony.  We are, as always, blessed to have much to celebrate in the Lord.

But as I reflect upon these Godly milestones that have crafted us into better servants to God and His kingdom, I have never been more aware of who has been at the helm of this life.  God is indeed the captain of this vessel, my life.  And as I pondered the trust I have in the human captain of the cruise ship on which I am currently living, why would or should it be any different when it comes to the heavenly Captain that is sailing the vessel that is my life?

What joy, comfort, and peace it gives me in knowing that no matter what the seas of this life may offer, God will see me to my intended port.  That no matter the storms, tempests, or hurricanes that rise up upon the seas of this life, I can always faithfully rest well in that my captain, the Savior of the world, is capable and in control. As I ponder even deeper the Captain of this life, it brings my mind to the 23rd entry in the book of Psalms and the true meaning David ascribed within it.  And as I process that great and lofty Psalm from the high seas of the Caribbean, a new form emerges to me:

The Lord is the captain of my vessel,

in His care I shall not fear the seas. 

He sails me upon smooth waters,

He fills my sails to billowing with His words. 

He lifts up my soul and sets it upright,

He steers me in my voyage for His glory, always.


I pray today, that with all faith and confidence, you can look at your life and say that the Lord Jesus Christ is your captain.  If you cannot with your entire being claim this, today is a great day to change your eternity.  Simply admit that on your own you have sinned against a perfect God. Confess to Him that you are unable to produce the perfect life He requires to be in His presence in Heaven. Declare to Him that on your own you can never offer Him that perfect life.  For that perfect life, you need someone else to step in, take your sin away, pay the penalty for your sin, and offer a perfect substitutionary life to God the Father in your place.  And good friend, that is just what Jesus Christ offers you in this very moment.  He was born of a virgin, free of the sin DNA all humans inherit at birth. Both God and man, He lived a perfect sin-free life and then offered Himself upon a Cross as a perfect spot-free sacrifice for all sinners for all time. And all you must do to claim the gift of God's eternal salvation is call upon the name of Jesus in faith to be the Lord of your life.  The most important decision a life will make upon this planet is to settle where their soul will spend eternity…settle it today and make Jesus Christ the captain of your vessel.

May you today, cruise the seas of this life in confidence and great faith that the Good Captain, Jesus Christ, will see you to your intended port of call.  

Blessings ~ Dan

for, “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”” Romans 10:13 ESV

"looking west", Quintana Roo, Mexico
"looking west", Quintana Roo, Mexico

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