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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Deuteronomy 31 - The Root of Strength

This past September during our annual pilgrimage to the great State Fair of Texas we saw a strongman show. You know, the old timey, heavily moustached muscle men that perform feats of great strength. This particular guy was relatively young, but he was playing the whole show as if it were 1920’s Coney Island. And his feats of strength were quite impressive. He bent horseshoes, tore a license plate in half, ripped a deck of cards in two and then proceeded to juggle three 16lb bowling balls. His presentation went off without a hitch, one that had been performed no doubt in front of a mirror countless times before being rolled out to the masses. I sat there watching in amazement at his strength and wondered just how much he trains to maintain that strength. And then I started thinking about true strength, it’s origins and just exactly where it comes from.

You see, you can be physically strong, exercising your muscles to the point that you can lift great weight. You can be emotionally strong, practicing what it means to be emotionally tough as life throws emotional hand grenades at you. But what about spiritual strength? Where does it originate, how do you exercise it and just exactly how do you get to the point where you could perform feats of strength flexing only your spiritual biceps?

Today in Deuteronomy 31 we find quite the pivotal chapter. Literally the Bible as we know it pivots today as we see God speaking ever so candidly to Moses. Up to this point Moses has written the only five books within God’s Word and he has been the central figure of the last four books written. But today at the tender age of 120, God informs Moses that his time on this planet is short. He will not be allowed to enter the Promised Land because of striking the rock twice, so He will die on the wrong side of the Jordan. God announces that in Moses’ place, Joshua will now take the reins of the Israelites. But in the midst of this major transition we see God in rare form. We see God the encourager as He builds up our main characters. You see, God knows where true strength comes from and in His wisdom, He reminds us. A lot.

The first example we see is God encouraging Moses. I can only imagine Moses’ disappointment at not being able to enter the Promised Land and I’m sure God could sense it as well. So, God imparts strength to Moses as he is processing this great life disappointment. And encountering the strength of God brings comfort, peace and confidence, just what Moses needed.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deut 31:6

How delightful this must have been for Moses to hear this message directly from God. Notice the key components within the verse and also notice the arrangement. First God tells Moses to be strong and courageous. But it is the second part of the verse that truly shines. How and why can Moses be strong and courageous? For it is God that provides the strength and God that goes with Him. And just as any excellent leader would do, Moses doesn’t just hold this encouragement but passes it directly along. You see, encouragement is free. It costs us nothing to give, but it’s worth everything to receive. Never miss the opportunity to encourage others in the Lord, Moses didn’t. In the very next verse, Moses assembles the Israelites and then encourages Joshua in the sight of all. Talk about clearly setting up your successor. Moses could have been bitter or jealous of Joshua, but instead he publicly encourages Him with the words God had just offered him.

“Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you shall go with this people into the land that the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall put them in possession of it. It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Moses basically passes the message he received from God directly on to Joshua. Encouraging others is to remind them that all strength comes directly from the Lord. And for that reason, Joshua should not be fearful or dismayed. No matter what they encounter in this strange new land, the strength they need to thrive within it, comes from the Lord. And no matter what Joshua may feel or witness, the Lord has gone before him, be confident in this.

Now that we’ve seen God encourage Moses and then Moses encourage Joshua, we will now see one last encounter. God will directly address Joshua. Folks, are you starting to get the point that God is encouraging these men. Are you seeing the message that God has for them? I have to think that during this major transition that Joshua was scared to death. I mean he was replacing Moses. Talk about big shoes to fill. But God knows the hearts of His children and He delivers a message of comfort and peace to Joshua on the eve of him taking leadership. And by the way, God has the same message for us today as we trod these strange times of disease, death and isolation. Let’s look at God’s Words to Joshua.

“And the Lord commissioned Joshua the son of Nun and said, “Be strong and courageous, for you shall bring the people of Israel into the land that I swore to give them. I will be with you.” Deut 31:23

The same message three times to three different parties. A universal message that can just as easily be addressed to each one of us today. Are you fearful today of the Corona virus and all the havoc that it is wreaking upon our world? Be strong and courageous in the Lord, all strength flows from Him. Are you dismayed and distressed about your job and how you’ll be able to pay your bills this month? Be strong and courageous in the Lord, for He has already gone before you. Are you in dread and great apprehension about the health of your family and friends? Be strong and courageous in the Lord, for it is the very creator of this world that walks with you today. Are you fearful of what’s going to happen to the world economy in the near future? Be strong and courageous in the Lord, for He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Folks, the root of all strength lies in the Lord Jesus Christ. We have no strength of our own to rely upon, only the strength of the Lord. And when we rely purely upon the Lord, we will revel in a strength that surpasses all. And God promises us His strength if we call upon Him. And in His strength, we can have great courage and comfort.

Today, call upon Jesus and rest in His strength. As a result, you will be comforted in knowing that the same God that encouraged Moses and Joshua, will encourage you.

Praise be to God for His glorious and perfect strength.

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