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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Esther 6 - Insignificant Details

“That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the chronicles, the record of his reign, to be brought in and read to him.” Esther 6:1

We often have a tendency to discount the small things in life. I mean how can one small detail of one single day really amount to anything in the span of an entire lifetime? Yet small things, when woven together in Godly intricacy, will produce a providential masterpiece, brushed by the hand of the Master. A sleepless night is no fun. The tossing and turning, the begging for sleep to come and close the eyes and suspend the mind. Yet a single sleepless night over the duration of a lifetime cannot be counted as a major event. But one small sleepless night is the pivot point of God’s providence in the book of Esther.

King Xerxe’s sleepless night in Esther chapter 6 spurs him to request a sleep aid. He summons a servant and asks for the official records to be read before him. I think the king was spot on here, if there is anything that will put you to sleep quickly, it’s page after page of governmental records. But consider the small insignificant details here. On the very night before evil Haman is to ask permission to hang Mordecai, sleeplessness hits the king. Insignificant? To aid in his return to slumber the king could have selected music, a back rub, warm milk, or any other avenue open to the most powerful king on the planet. But he requests the royal records to be read. Insignificant? As his servant retrieves the records to be read, he could have selected any of the countless volumes, but he picks a very certain one. Insignificant? And as the servant flips open the heavy tome to read, he just happens to turn to the very page that accounts the previous details of Mordecai's saving of the king’s life. Insignificant? As the king hears of this account he asks if anything was done to reward Mordecai’s loyalty. And it is in this moment, you see all of those small insignificant details stack one on top of the other. They stack ever so neatly to make a Godly stepping stool that allows man to perch upon it and see an overview of God's perfect providence.

Today, you may see nothing but small things happening in your life. Insignificant details that have no rhyme or reason. You may be praying to God for something big, but the big just won’t come, only the small. Folks, praise God for the small things in your life, for those small insignificant details are the building blocks of the big. Refuse to discount the small things today but instead search them and find God within them. Within those sleepless nights God is working. Within the selection of that one reading volume, God lies, working without your knowledge. And the specific page that is turned to was done not by your hand, but by the very hand of God. And when God’s hands are lining up the small seemingly insignificant details in your life, they are guaranteed to make something grand and glorious indeed.

“And we know that God causes all things to work together as a plan for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.” Romans 8:28 AMP

los ojos (the eyes), Puebla, Mexico

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