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Genesis 26 - Faith is a Verb

Writer's picture: Dan PotterDan Potter

Good morning from the seventh floor of the dorms at Lingnan University in beautiful Hong Kong, SAR, China. Yesterday was a big travel day as I experienced the longest single flight of my life at almost 17 hours. That is a lot of time to be trapped inside a big metal tube. But the flight was great, I made it here and my view outside this morning as I study God’s Word is beautiful. In fact, my view is very reminiscent of the Maui countryside, a lush hillside thick with vegetation, very green and heavy with the morning dew. I see a banana farm at the foot of the hill, terraced and well cared for, the thick banana leaves glisten with moisture as they refelct the first sun rays of the day. Last night you could hear the tree frogs serenading into the night, it reminds me of the Koki frogs in Puerto Rico. What a beautiful treat to see this tropical scene so near the endless expanse of high rises across the street. Hong Kong is a city full of juxtaposition.

This morning I open to Genesis chapter 26, the last time I studied Genesis it was 8,450 miles away. What a great comfort to know that wherever I go, God and His Word is with me. As I look at our story I see Isaac beginning his adventures. He digs wells, He deals with Abimilech, and he even tells Rebekkah to tell people that she is his sister in a repeat of what his father, Abraham, did to Sarah earlier in Genesis. But overall, we get a picture of Isaac that is man that follows God. And following God requires many things. It requires patience, it requires humility and it requires surrender. But most of all it requires faith. And friends, when you walk with God, faith is a verb.

Now normally faith is a noun, but when you walk closely with God it changes. It becomes a verb. You see a verb requires action, it is in motion, it moves. Your faith is a verb. As you witness the men and women of God throughout His Word, you see this over and over. God speaks, His people hear and out of obedience to His call they spring into action. They move, they go, they get up and they get moving. In fact, I challenge you to find many instances in God’s Word where He tells somebody to stay or be stationary. Even the great commission in Matthew 28 starts out with its second word as a verb calling us into action to move:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

So today as you move throughout your day and commune with God, think about your Faith. Think about what He has called you to do. To go, to do, to move, to be in action. To go and tell. There are so many out there that need to hear of the peace, joy and goodness of Jesus Christ. And how will they hear if you don’t tell them? And how will you tell them if you don’t go. And how can you go without Faith in your Heavenly Father that calls you into action. You see, faith is a verb. Get up and go for God today.

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:14-15

Blessings for your journey as you follow Him today.

The view from my dorm in Hong Kong

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