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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Holding the Reins ~ Romans 8

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” Romans 8:14

One of the biggest questions about these lives we live is this, who is actually controlling what? If you are in the school of being a strong independent individual, then you adhere to the idea of firmly holding your own reins, directing your own destiny through the high and lows, always seemingly moving yourself in the direction you wish to go. And when you arrive, of course, all the credit is given to the one deemed to be holding the reins, self. If you are of the school that the mystical powers of destiny, fate or karma are the ones holding the reins, then you lean towards the idea that we are as leaves floating upon breezes created and directed by unknown external forces. And of course wherever you end up you either reward or blame the powers-that-be depending on if you approve or disapprove of the results. But folks no matter what school of belief you choose to enroll in, there is one absolute truth in this life, we are all being led by something…and it ain’t us.

The 8th chapter of the book of Romans continues on in the hallowed halls of Christian theological wonder. Paul is in a rarified air in this book and chapter as he continues to bring to light Holy-Spirit inspired thoughts that just make you sit and say, huh. And chapter 8 hits lofty heights indeed as Paul engages his readers with the point and purpose of the Holy Spirit, the relationship between the Holy Sprit and believers, and the clear difference between following the Holy Spirit and refusing to follow the Holy Spirit. One great thing about brother Paul is you cannot read one of his epistles and wonder where you stand. He is clear and concise, even to the point of being offensive. And here in chapter 8 it could not be clearer, for those that have confessed in great faith that Jesus Christ is their personal Savior, they will be gifted with God’s Holy Spirit to overcome the sinful desires of the flesh, guide them into a right relationship with Christ, draw them ever closer to Jesus, and leads them into the daily necessity of making little of self and much of Christ. But the million dollar question arises…even if you have the very Holy Spirit of God living within you today…are you following Him?

Of all people, Bob Dylan nailed this idea to the wall in his 1979 ballad, Gotta Serve Somebody. The point of the song is that as we skip merrily down the road in the asinine ideological thinking that we are thoroughly in control of our own lives, there is something well above us holding and guiding our marionette strings. Dylan’s song proceeds to describe some 24 different lives that run the gamut from preacher to rockstar, famous to unknown, rich to poor, yet the chorus of the song says it all in two lines that could well be paraphrased directly from Romans chapter 8. “Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord, But you’re gonna have to serve somebody.”

Folks, today if you look in the mirror and get brutally honest, who is doing the leading in your life? Do you really think you are capable of leading your own life in and out of the countless intricacies, trials, and impossibilities it offers? Or do you look around and see a life that is crumbling around you, indicative of the fact that it’s not working too well? I spent many years of my life in this category. Or do you think that if you merely follow the message of the world, that is, do what feels good, do whatever looks fun, and engage in whatever rewards the flesh, that this free-wheeling life will measure up to one that overcomes the sum of its parts? Well, I tried that one too and I’m sad to say the devil firmly holds the reins of that one. Or are you being led in the idea that it’s all moot and whatever happens just happens, that it’s out of your control, out of other’s control and out of God’s control? I’ve been there too, and well, you’re still serving someone, your just not admitting it. And folks, choosing to not commit to something is still to committing to something.

I pray today that if your life is void of peace, joy, purpose, and direction, you would take a few honest moments and carefully examine what or whom you are following. You were made, have a purpose, and are loved by your Maker in a way that sets the standard of love. And to fully realize this prefect love, all you have to do is follow. Confess with you heart that you have sinned, you have fallen short of being perfect, and that you need forgiveness for the countless wrongs you have committed against God. Admit that you chose your own way over God’s way and that your way just didn’t work. Instead choose to follow God’s way. A way that is instilled with goodness, peace, joy, purpose, and harmony. And as you make that decision you will be gifted with one of the single biggest miracles the world has ever known, the gifting of the very Holy Spirit of God.

And fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, that is, those that already hold the power of the Holy Spirt, are you relenting today to the guidance and control of the Spirit or are you, as a angry bucking bronc, resisting the pull of those reins wih all you are? You see, I've been here too and for me, this was the toughest life. As you resist the Spirit to continue on in your own sinful ways, the Spirit will be grived and the turmoil within you will echo the struggle that is raging inside. Relent, repent, and be led.

Folks, someone is holding the reins of your life today, get honest and ask yourself…who is it?

“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:5-6

paz in La Paz (peace in the peace) La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico

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