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Leviticus 25 - Sit Still

Writer's picture: Dan PotterDan Potter

I vividly recall a youth that was on the move. I guess you could say I was a rather active kid, kinda hyper but not fully ADHD bouncing off the walls kinda active. As I would get to my active limits, mom would give me that look along with a kind but firm verbal recommendation…sit still. You know there’s a lot of wisdom in those words, even though I realize that at that moment, she merely wanted me to settle down and stop breaking stuff. The truth of it is, as a society we are completely losing the ability to sit still.

Mornings start about 5am for me as I make some coffee and meet with God to see where He’ll take the 5MC that day. It’s a set meeting with God every morning and I have to tell you, I spring out of bed to talk with and hear from God. I especially love to meet with Him in the still of the early mornings. The quiet and the peace of a still sleepy world define the time. But yet, it’s not this way for all. Our home sits very close to I-20 in Fort Worth and by the time my coffee is ready, the hum begins. It slowly grows to a crescendo. The slow and steady hum of the highway. The sound of busy lives getting busy.

Overall, life in the 21st century has gotten busy. Very busy. As technology invades every single aspect of our lives, it intrudes upon our solace. It removes the vacancy of time in which we can simply sit still. We are constantly beckoned by the demanding call of busyness that shackles our lives. As Marge and I venture out on dates, dinners or shopping, my head is constantly on a swivel to observe a busy society. No matter the age, employed or unemployed, busyness is a given. In fact, because of texting and social media, I think young people are busier than all other demographics. The other night we accompanied some friends to an event at the Winspear Opera House in Dallas. As the intermission was announced, I was amazed. The house lights came up and almost instantly you saw a sea of young people reach for their phones. As Marge and I sat there to enjoy some casual conversation, the world around us launched into Facebook, email, Instagram, texts, voicemails and of course selfies to announce to the world more about their exciting lives. As we sat still, unoccupied, the world around us probably thought us odd. You see, we’re losing the ability to sit still and simply reflect within ourselves.

Before you start calling me an old-fashioned fuddy-duddy (too late?) let me tie this thought in with God’s Word. Leviticus chapter 25 is all about rest. Being still. You see, you may not be aware, but God not only had a sabbath (sabbath means “to rest from labor”) for His people, but also for His land. God deems it very important how we see rest in our lives, and He gives us the example to follow. God created everything that has ever been created in 6 days. On the 7th day He rested. Not because He was tired but because He was finished. He only needed 6 days to complete His work and so on the 6th day, He rested to enjoy what He had done. Rest and reflection.

Today we see God add to His sabbath series. Every 7th year the land was to enjoy a sabbath. The Israelites would farm and work the land for 6 straight years and then on the 7th year they would allow the land to rest. This is by the way, a very ecologically efficient way to allow the land to replenish and offset the effects of over-farming. Bet you didn’t know that God was a farming and agricultural expert, huh?

Twice in the chapter we see the term “complete rest.” (25:4, 25:5) Complete meaning to “make something whole or perfect.” You see, God desires for our rest to be completed and made whole in Him. True rest is complete rest in Christ.

One of my favorite verses is Psalms 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” A verse that is clear that we need to slow down, sit still and pay attention to God, not just ourselves and our busy schedules. But look at some of the other Biblical translations and how they describe the same verse.

“Our God says, "Calm down, and learn that I am God!” CEV, Contemporary English Version

“Stop your fighting, and know that I am God,” CSB, Christian Standard Bible

“Cease striving and know that I am God.” NASB, New American Standard Bible

“Desist and know that I am God.” YLT, Young’s Literal Translation

This verse makes it crystal clear what God thinks about our busyness. It’s almost like opposing magnets to Him. Busyness pushes you away from God and stillness brings you closer. You see, God is not a God of busyness and chaos. God is a God of peace, serenity and simplicity. If you desire to know and fellowship with God, you’ve got to come to Him His way.

Today you’ll have to fight to simply sit still. The world won’t like it and satan especially won’t like it. In fact, if you reverse Psalms 46:10 you’ll get something like this, “Be busy in order to miss God.” (my translation) Folks, satan’s goal is to keep you so busy you won’t even think about God. He’ll keep you up to your neck in work, your kid’s sports games, emails, Facebook, parties, TV, business trips and yes, even holidays like Christmas. As I look around society today, I see just that. A technologically advanced, financially successful nation that has gotten too busy for God. A society that has, in its pursuit of “success”, lost the ability to sit still and know God.

I challenge you today to do what you might see as impossible. Sit still for 10 whole minutes. Do nothing. No computer, no cell phone, no TV, no internet, no books, no headphones, no people and no lunch or drinks. Find a quiet, private place, be still, quiet your life and just cease. What you’ll find is that it will take you most of that time to just quiet your mind from your constant activity. You see our minds are like spinning tops, they keep spinning long after we set them down. Now I can already hear most of you objecting. I’m too busy, work is too hectic, the kids won’t shut up, I’ve got too many gifts to wrap or there’s just no way I could ever do that, I’m way too hyper. Folks, if you want to approach God, you’ve got to enter into His rest. Quiet. Solace. Stillness. Peace. As you enter this stillness and focus on Him, it’s there you will see His face. You’ll find God in the stillness.

Be still. Cease striving. Stop fighting. Desist your activity. Sit still. As you do, enjoy your time with God.

Hawaiian surfin' Santa

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