Merry Christmas. Indeed, Christmas is here, only a few more days until the big day and I'm sure many of you are in the throws of the last mad dash to finish all of that shopping. Gotta cross everybody off the proverbial list, yes? As you do, I have a question for you. As you are mentally assembling that list of people to buy for, do you have some type of priority system? A value system? I mean, do you buy your mailman the same kind of gift as your husband or wife? Do you buy your kid’s teacher a diamond tennis bracelet and then get your wife a fruit cake? For your sake guys, I sure hope not.
Why? Why do we associate different values with people in our lives? Well, I think it’s rather easy to pinpoint. People emotionally mean very different things to us. My Margie has become all-important to me. The longer we’re married, the harder I find it to be apart from her. God has gifted me with a lovely woman that has a heart for Jesus, and I dearly love that heart. My mailwoman is a nice lady, but come on, I don’t feel for my mailperson like I feel for my Margie. (I’m sure Margie is so glad to hear that…)
As you wrap up your Christmas shopping (pun intended) think about the people on that list and then think about the gifts you have carefully purchased for them. That careful and thoughtful purchase was associating a value with how they impact your life. Now as you consider this, I have a question for you. In the context of your Christmas list, where does your valuation of Jesus fit in?
Today we study the very last chapter in Leviticus, chapter 27. It is a chapter of associating value. A chapter of sacrifice. A chapter of love. A chapter of gratitude. A chapter of giving not receiving. I can’t think of a more perfect chapter to study right before Christmas. But you see, the chapter has zero to do with our modern day traditions of Christmas. No big presents for your loved ones. No gift giving to the people that you highly value in your life. You see, all of the giving is to God.
Chapter 27 is a chapter of vows. The Old Testament vow was offered as the result of a person reacting to abundant admiration levels for God. They felt a level of gratitude to God that moved them to commit gifts to Him in big ways. You could vow your children, your land, your animals, your home, or your crops. You could physically donate them or vow them to the Lord. But the big kicker here with vows? They were 100% voluntary. A vow was between your heart and God’s.
It’s estimated that in the U.S. we will spend $936 billion on our loved ones this Christmas. We will show our families and friends great value and worth. But the one small child that was born in a feeding trough over 2,000 years ago will get little to nothing. The irony is bitter. The Savior of the world, the King of Kings, came to this planet and wore human flesh, a gift to all mankind, and He will get no gifts. It makes my heart sad to think about the millions of Christmas mornings that will be engulfed in beautiful packages, yet nary a one will have the name of Jesus Christ on it.
As you think about your loved ones this Christmas, don’t forget your Savior. It’s His birthday you know. But just how do you place value upon Jesus and His work on the Cross? You might be thinking that you have nothing of value to give Him, but you’d be oh so wrong. You see He doesn’t want cash, jewelry or electronics. He doesn’t want video games, remote control cars, or clothes. Those things can easily be bought and over time, will perish along with everything else on this planet. Jesus desires the only eternal gift you have to give.
Jesus desires your heart.
If you have never asked Jesus to be the Lord of your heart, you can do that today. His Christmas gift to you was coming here as a child to grow and eventually die for you on a Cross. But He was raised three days later and eternally triumphed over the death that your sin brings. Because of Christmas, you can eternally reside with God in heaven. Simply admit you’ve sinned, ask Jesus to save you from that sin, and it will be done. If you prayed this prayer, it will be your best Christmas ever.
But what about if you have already accepted Jesus as your Lord? Are you done? Oh, folks, there could be nothing father from the truth. Your journey with Jesus is never finished. Your heart is a deep well and you have so much more to draw out and give Him. You see, He doesn’t want some of your heart, He wants the entirety of its depths. He wants your love, your thoughts, your emotions, your dreams, your desires, your service. All of you. He made you to love Him and He saved you to serve Him. This Christmas, put Jesus on your Christmas list and then just sit still and gaze at that Holy name. Place a value on that name and then gift Him accordingly. He is worthy...worthy indeed.
Merry Jesus Christ-mas ~ Dan
"and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and with all your strength." Mark 12:30
