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Leviticus 10 - Wiggle Room

Writer's picture: Dan PotterDan Potter

We humans are masters of it. In fact, because of this, there are tons of idioms to describe our curious behavior of wanting, expecting and taking just a little bit more than we are given. Give an inch, take a mile and give em’ enough rope and they’ll hang themselves being just a few. We are ins

atiable by nature, by sin-nature that is. We always have a better way, our way, that requires altering or changing the rules just a little bit. Taking just enough personal liberty to make us happy. We just need a little wiggle room to make things “right” for us.

Yesterday we saw in Leviticus chapter 9 the execution of the many rules and directives of worshiping God through the many different offerings. All the priests were very careful to carry out the directions carefully as mistakes before God could be costly. Let me clarify. Not just casual mistakes but willful disobedience. When our wiggle room is in direct disobedience to God, it will not go well, as we will see today.

Today we see in the very first verse of chapter 10 these startling words from God:

“Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them and added incense; and they offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, contrary to his command. So fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord.” Lev 10:1-2

If we are to consider the timing between the ending of chapter 9 and the beginning of chapter 10, this episode did not take long to happen. Two sons of Aaron were using a little wiggle room in the execution of their daily duties as priests. They had clear instructions from God, but they had a way that was just a little bit better. The only problem? There is no wiggle room with God. To exercise another popular idiom, it’s His way or the highway.

So just exactly what did these two brothers do that deserved immediate death by fire? First of all, it doesn’t seem that it was simply one thing but a few. You might be able to convince me that you slipped into one “accidental sin” but it’s impossible to slip into several. You see the repetition of sin in our lives is no accident, it’s intentional and willful. First of all, their transgression against God was the fire, specifically the source of it. Recall that God Himself started the fire in the altar. (Lev 9:24) The fire that God started was to be kept burning continually as a sign to the people of His everlasting presence and judgement among them. The daily burnt offering and daily incense burnings were to be started with guess what? Yep, the fire that was started by God. This particular day, the brothers thought it would be better to start the fire themselves. That their fire would be just as good as God’s. Wiggle room fueled by pride.

It also seems that only to fuel the fire (pun intended) they were drunk on the job. After their deaths, in a very rare encounter, God speaks not directly to Moses, but directly to Aaron. There are only two instances of God speaking directly to Aaron in the Bible, one being here.

“And the Lord spoke to Aaron, saying, drink no wine or strong drink, you or your sons with you, when you go into the tent of meeting, lest you die. It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations.” Lev 10:8-9

It seems beyond coincidental that God would, out of the blue, speak directly to Aaron and discuss this very issue immediately after his sons were struck down by God because of their interpretations of His directions. I can only imagine these two brothers, in cahoots, showing up drunk for work as priests of God and then using a little wiggle room in their job directives. You see, God doesn’t merely judge the actions of our hands, He judges the heart that generates those actions. Man sees only the external actions, but God sees directly into the heart. (1 Sam 16:7)

Folks, how do you see God’s commands for your life? As rough guidelines? Good suggestions? General ground rules? Or do you see them as the Holy Words of God that are to be adhered to at all costs? Commands from God that will allow a righteous life to be lived before Him? You see, our idea of wiggle room doesn’t work with God. When we loosely interpret His directions for life, the end result will be a life that is less than the abundant life He desires for us.

We live under a period of grace today. God is slow to anger, full of patience and rich in mercy. He is giving the world ample time to call upon His Son Jesus Christ. As a result, if you sin against God today, more than likely you will not be immediately consumed in fire like Nadab and Abihu. But make no mistake folks, God does take notice of your actions and how you heed His commands.

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” Gal 6:7

Yes, God is a God of love, but He is also a righteous God and out of His limitless love for us, will correct us in an effort to teach us and train us to live a life closer to that of Jesus. It makes me think about the boundless love that my Dad has for me. He loves me so much. But growing up, if I boldly defied him and arrogantly broke his rules, there was a price to pay. He only wanted the best for me and if I headed in a direction that he knew would cause me great pain; he would lovingly intercede. If it took a belt to the back side than so be it. You see, out of tolerance you do nothing, but out of a greater love you correct and rebuke. The love of the Heavenly Father rebukes us out of His greater love.

And by the way, concerning spanking your child. If your child is willingly, pridefully and openly defiant of your authority you should take heed of exactly what God’s Word says on the subject, and there’s a lot. I see an entire generation of parents today using extreme wiggle room on this. As a result you see belligerent children, defiant to all authority in their lives. God’s Word says…Pro 13:24, Pro 22:15, Pro 23:13, Pro 29:15, Pro 20:30, Pro 23:14, Pro 26:3, Pro 30:17, Pro 14:3, Pro 29:1, Heb 12:5-11.

Watch out for wiggle room today. Be careful taking just a little bit more personal freedom and interpretation with sin in your life. You might see it as only a “little sin” but folks, to God, sin is sin, and will all be dealt with accordingly. Run from sin in your life, turn away from it and pursue a life that is right before God. As a result, you will experience a gift from Him. A life that is full to overflowing with His blessings. Overflowing with peace, freedom, joy and goodness. A life full of smiles, laughter and rejoicing. A life lived for God is a good life indeed.

Blessings for your personal time with God in His Word today.

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